Anxiety Therapy

Do You Feel Anxious No Matter Your Circumstances?

Has anxiety made it hard to feel present in your life?

Are you so worried about what will happen next that you can’t focus on the task at hand?

Does your anxiety make it difficult to breathe, cause your heart to race, and prevent you from sleeping soundly?

The reality is that anxiety is a natural part of the human experience. At its core, it’s a survival mechanism designed to help you protect yourself and avoid suffering. However, if anxiety limits your ability to enjoy life and keeps you stuck in a constant state of worry, that may be a sign that you’re dealing with unmanaged anxiety. In that case, consulting with an experienced anxiety therapist is a good idea. 

Anxiety Can Impact You Physically, Emotionally, And Socially

Anxiety is multidimensional and can affect every area of your life. It often shows up in the body, causing trembling hands, difficulty breathing, a racing heart, and panic attacks. Because of how stressed you are, you may be unable to sleep well. This could make you irritable, frustrated, and distracted throughout your day, hindering your ability to concentrate at work and get things done. 

Additionally, anxiety can profoundly impact your relationships. You may find yourself withdrawing from social events and keeping to yourself out of fear of rejection or embarrassment. Yet the more you avoid putting yourself out there, the lonelier you become. 

Thankfully, it is possible to develop highly effective skills to manage your anxiety symptoms. Many people find that when they learn the right coping skills, their anxiety diminishes. 

That’s where therapy for anxiety comes in to help. At Rocky Mountain Counseling Collective, our therapists specialize in empowering clients to reduce their stress and move boldly and confidently toward their goals.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

Anxiety Is A Normal Part Of The Human Experience

At one time or another, we all suffer from anxiety. It’s part of our biological hardwiring. Some of us may experience low levels of anxiety periodically, while others may suffer from more severe and debilitating forms of anxiety. Unfortunately, millions of people today struggle with chronic anxiety—for them, anxiety impacts everything they do.

Although some people are predisposed to anxiety because of genetics, environmental factors often play a major role. Given how hectic, fast-paced, and success-driven our modern culture is, the prevalence of anxiety is hardly surprising. Living or working in a stressful environment can increase the chances of suffering from anxiety. All the pressure to meet deadlines, make ends meet, and keep up appearances makes feeling anxious all but inevitable. 

The Stigma Associated With Anxiety Needs To Be Abandoned

Many people who seek mental health treatment feel stigmatized due to the false belief that there is “something wrong with them.” But the truth is that anxiety is normal—the full human experience can’t exist without it. Anxiety is simply your body’s way of communicating to you that something is upsetting or needs attention. Sometimes it can even be rational or useful, preparing you for an important task. 

To understand anxiety on a deeper level, you may benefit from the support of a compassionate professional. The right therapist can teach you about how anxiety works and give you coping strategies for managing your anxiety symptoms.

Therapy Can Offer Relief From Anxiety And A New Path Forward

First and foremost, our practice is relationship-focused. Although we are built around a solid foundation of clinical approaches, the most important thing is establishing a strong therapeutic alliance with you. When you have a trusting relationship with your therapist, the therapeutic process is headed in the right direction. Our goal is to create an atmosphere of trust, warmth, and compassion, making the deeper work of resolving anxiety more manageable. 

Our anxiety counselors take a strength-based approach to the healing process, encouraging you to use what you already do well. This way, therapy is individualized for your situation. We know that everyone is different, and that’s why therapy varies from client to client. We will create a treatment plan that suits your needs and goals and help you work toward the overall reduction and management of your symptoms. 

Modalities Used For Anxiety Treatment 

Here at Rocky Mountain Counseling Collective, we use a wide range of approaches that may include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This is an evidence-based therapeutic method for treating anxiety. CBT can help you identify unhelpful thoughts about yourself (such as “I’ll never be successful”), learn to challenge them, and understand why they are invalid.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): This approach is all about accepting your emotions for what they are and working toward a life that aligns with your values. You will learn to identify, define, and get reacquainted with your values, enabling you to create a life that reflects your true self. 

  • Mindfulness: The goal of mindfulness is to help you learn to be present in the moment. Anxiety keeps you preoccupied with what comes next—mindfulness allows you to slow down and find stillness in the here and now. In therapy, we’ll help you create a mindfulness practice that’s responsive to your needs and goals. 

  • Trauma Informed Care: Trauma is often at the root of anxiety, keeping the body in a heightened state of distress and discomfort. We’ll teach you about how painful past experiences may be at the root of your current stress and help you process and manage the effects of trauma. 

Anxiety is incredibly difficult, but when you have the right support, it’s possible to reduce your symptoms, improve your confidence, and experience peace of mind. No matter how anxious you feel today, we believe that we can help you create a brighter and more vibrant life.

You May Still Have Questions Or Concerns About Therapy For Anxiety…

  • While therapy is not a magic wand, it can be highly effective when combined with other resources, such as developing strong relationships outside of therapy, making time to pursue fulfilling interests, and committing to mindfulness, exercise, and healthy eating. Ultimately, the most essential aspect of therapy is the client-therapist relationship. If you feel that you connect with your therapist on a deeper level, the potential of meeting your goals increases by leaps and bounds.

  • When considering therapy for anxiety, it’s important to recognize it as a worthwhile investment in your needs and goals. And if you’re concerned about finances, therapy doesn’t need to be long-term. Anxiety treatment can be three months, six months, a year or even longer depending on your needs and goals. While some people value ongoing therapy sessions, three months of focused treatment can often be more effective than intermittent sessions over a longer period of time.

  • We live in a highly individualistic society where asking for help sometimes feels difficult. Other societies rooted in community often thrive more than we do because people value seeking guidance from each other. There is profound wisdom in leaning on others for support. A compassionate and knowledgeable mental health professional can support you in gaining insights that you wouldn’t be able to recognize on your own and give you skills that have been shown to reduce anxiety.

You Can Learn To Overcome Debilitating Symptoms of Anxiety

If you’re ready to begin your journey toward a happier, less stressful life, Rocky Mountain Counseling can help. Call 720-252-0345 or email ustoday to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

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