Depression Therapy

Has Depression Robbed You Of Your Ability To Enjoy Life?

Do you often feel sad without knowing why? 

Are you struggling with a loss of motivation and energy?

Do you feel an emotional heaviness that you can’t shrug off, no matter how hard you try?

Maybe you’ve been sadder than usual lately and you find yourself getting bothered by things that didn’t bother you before. Perhaps you have trouble concentrating or completing simple everyday tasks. Activities that you once loved are no longer enjoyable and feel more like a chore now. Additionally, you may be experiencing more aches and pains than usual and getting sick more easily. You may find yourself asking: Do I have depression? 

Depression Often Goes Hand In Hand With Loneliness 

When you’re struggling with depression, you might not feel like socializing as much and yearn to withdraw from the world. Most days, you may feel too lethargic to leave the house and end up sleeping the day away. After a while, this way of life can become lonely. The more time you spend in isolation, the more you probably find yourself spiraling down and losing perspective. 

You don’t have to wrestle with depression alone. Here at Rocky Mountain Counseling Collective, our compassionate, relationship-focused approach to therapy can help you soften the rough edges of depression and experience a deeper sense of peace in your mind and body.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

Depression Is Incredibly Common, But Widely Misunderstood 

Although many people casually use the phrase “I’m so depressed” when they’re sad, depression is much more complex than that. It isn’t just a simple case of the blues that goes away in a few days. Rather, depression is a serious medical condition that requires support from a mental health professional. It often persists regardless of circumstances—life can seem perfectly okay on the surface, but underneath, a deep sadness lingers. 

If you think you have depression, it’s important to realize that you aren’t alone. Millions of people of all ages suffer from depression, meaning that many of your friends, family, and co-workers may be struggling along with you. In fact, roughly one out of every five people experiences depression each year.* 

On Your Own, Getting To The Bottom Of Depression Isn’t Always Possible

You might tell yourself that you can manage depression alone, but this is easier said than done. After all, the causes of depression are often multilayered and complex. Sometimes depression is genetic in nature and runs in the family. Other times, it’s the result of childhood trauma, grief and loss, and other painful circumstances. Trying to piece together the puzzle of depression is immensely challenging, and that’s why seeking professional help is so vital. 

The good news is that depression is highly treatable. As a practice, we’ve seen many people who came into therapy feeling hopeless come out feeling rejuvenated and more hopeful for the future. We want you to experience the same thing.

Therapy For Depression Can Help You Find A New Path Forward

Part of what makes depression so challenging to overcome is that it takes away your energy and motivation. At Rocky Mountain Counseling, we know how debilitating depression can be, and that’s why we focus on taking things slowly. We will honor your situation and move at a pace that’s comfortable for you. 

When beginning treatment for depression, our primary focus is building a strong therapeutic relationship that’s based on trust. Once that trust is established, we’ll help you develop and hone more effective coping skills. When you’re dealing with depression, it’s easy to resort to unhelpful habits (isolating, engaging in substance use, etc.) to manage your emotional pain. Therapy can help you come up with coping skills that are healthy, adaptive, and don’t reinforce your depression symptoms. 

Our Approach To Counseling For Depression

The skills and strategies we use depend on your needs, preferences, and goals. Our therapists take a strengths-based approach to tackling depression, so everything is individualized to suit your situation. Some of the main approaches that inform our work are outlined below:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): The goal of ACT is to help you accept what you can’t change and concentrate on living a life that reflects your true values. Instead of spending all your energy trying to escape or eliminate distress, you will learn to be at peace with your situation and redirect your focus toward the values you cherish. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This approach can help you identify, challenge, and reframe the negative thoughts and beliefs that are fueling your depression. By changing the way you think, you can shift your emotions, behaviors, and every other area of your life.

Mindfulness: It’s easy to spiral down and lose perspective when you’re battling depression. Mindfulness can help you avoid that spiral by grounding yourself in the here and now, focusing on your senses, and maintaining present-moment awareness.

Trauma-informed care: Sometimes depression is connected to unresolved trauma. In that case, your therapist can look at how painful past experiences may be tied to your current emotional struggles.

Regardless of which method works best for you, we are confident that we can help you manage depression more effectively. We know it’s hard to hold onto hope in the midst of depression, but we are here to support you as you work toward symptom relief and overall healing.

You May Still Have Questions Or Concerns About Therapy For Depression…

  • There may not be any guarantees in life, but the right therapeutic relationship can make a huge difference in your mental health. Through connecting with your therapist and an openness to try new solutions, change really can happen. It may not happen overnight, but then again, no meaningful healing ever did. We encourage you to be patient with yourself and understand that sometimes the deepest healing takes time to reach fruition.

  • This is a normal concern. Thankfully, our counselors are trained to conduct therapy in a way that is thoughtful about your depression symptoms. We will move at a pace that’s right for you and if you ever feel overwhelmed, we will slow things down and focus on helping you stay grounded and practice mindfulness skills.

  • If you’re reading this page, chances are that something isn’t working and you sense that you need extra support. There is no shame in not being able to manage depression alone. We live in a highly individualistic society that teaches us to be self-reliant, but the truth is that asking for help is commendable and brave. What’s more, a therapist can help you understand your depression on a deeper level and provide insights that you may not be able to reach on your own.

Depression Doesn’t Have To Hold You Back From Your Full Potential 

With the right help and support, you can achieve symptom reduction and keep depression from controlling your life. To learn more about how Rocky Mountain Counseling can help, call 720-252-0345 or email us to set up an appointment at our Denver practice.

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