Coping Strategies for Trauma Triggered by Current Events

Watching current events unfold can feel overwhelming, especially when they remind us of past traumas. Whether it's a natural disaster, a violent incident, or a significant social issue, these events can trigger intense emotions. If you're struggling to cope, know that you are not alone. Here are some effective strategies to help you manage trauma triggered by current events.

Understand What Triggers You

woman comforting man

The first step in coping with trauma is knowing what stimuli will trigger you. Triggers can be specific images, sounds, or even news reports that bring back distressing memories. Spend some time reflecting on what affects you most. Once you identify your triggers, you can develop a plan to manage your reactions. For example, if watching the news intensifies your anxiety, consider limiting your exposure to news updates.

Practice Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques can help you stay present when feelings of anxiety or panic arise. These techniques shift your focus away from overwhelming emotions and back to the current moment. Here are a few methods to try:

  1. Box Breathing: Take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for four, and exhale through your mouth for a count of four. Repeat this several times. This technique helps calm your nervous system and reduces anxiety.

  2. Focused Observation: Find a quiet place and focus on an object in your surroundings. Observe its color, shape, and texture. This practice can help you center your thoughts and help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Build a Community

Building a safe community is key to coping with trauma. Reach out to understanding friends or family for regular check-ins and support. Volunteering can also help form connections while allowing you to contribute to your community. Actively helping by volunteering your time could make you feel better about a situation, especially if a current event like a flood or other disaster is affecting your community.

Get Moving

Physical activity can be a powerful tool for managing trauma. Many veterans cite their exercise regime as a way to maintain their mental health after returning home. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that help improve mood. Your routine does not need to be intense, just small activities like daily walks with your dog or riding your bike around your neighborhood can get those endorphins flowing.

Limit Social Media Consumption

Social media can amplify feelings of anxiety and trauma. While it can be a way to connect and share information, it can also lead to information overload. Consider taking breaks from social media or unfollowing accounts that trigger distress. Focus on platforms that uplift you or provide a sense of community. Remember, it’s okay to step back from the digital world when it feels too overwhelming.

Establish Your Routine

Establishing a routine can provide stability during overwhelming times, helping you regain a sense of control. Start by setting regular sleep patterns to ensure adequate rest, which is crucial for mental health. Incorporate short breaks throughout the day for relaxation, and plan nutritious meals to support your mood and energy levels. Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy, as they will make you happy and feel less stressed. A structured routine that includes these elements can help you navigate challenging emotions and respond to current events more effectively.


Coping with trauma triggered by current events is a process. It requires understanding your triggers, engaging in grounding techniques, and seeking support when needed. Reach out to your network, engage in activities that promote well-being, and be kind to yourself.

If you find that your coping strategies aren’t enough, consider seeking professional help. As a therapist, I am trained to help individuals process their trauma and develop effective coping mechanisms. If you are looking for tailored professional help as you work through your trauma, contact my office to schedule an appointment for trauma therapy!


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