5 Ways Nature Can Help You Heal From Trauma
Trauma leaves deep wounds on one's health, emotionally and physically. While therapy and other traditional methods are important, there’s something else that can aid in the healing process: nature.
Coping Strategies for Trauma Triggered by Current Events
Watching current events unfold can feel overwhelming, especially when they remind us of past traumas. Whether it's a natural disaster, a violent incident, or a significant social issue, these events can trigger intense emotions.
How Your Body Remembers Trauma and the Senses That Can Trigger It
Trauma is a deeply distressing experience that can leave lasting effects on both the mind and body. Many people think trauma is just a mental issue, but the body also plays a big role in remembering traumatic events.
Relationship Trauma: How To Heal And How Therapy Can Help
Experiencing trauma from a relationship can feel overwhelming. The pain can leave deep scars, whether from a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member. Recovering from relationship trauma requires time, effort, and support.
5 Ways to Heal from Childhood Trauma
When you or someone you know goes through trauma as a child, it may feel as though this moment now defines you. While these traumatic events are impactful, healing is possible.